Text of the Resolution

Newton Resolution to Eliminate Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Zero Carbon)

WHEREAS:  The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is heavily reliant on energy that comes from fossil fuels that pollute our air, water and alter our climate; and

WHEREAS:  Massachusetts communities are already feeling the impacts of climate change in rising temperatures, increased risk of flooding, and more intense and frequent storms; and

WHEREAS:  The City of Newton has been working to reduce its carbon emissions and to promote clean energy, including participating in the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources Green Communities Program, supporting private and public solar installations, promoting electric vehicles, promoting the use of renewable energy and converting to LED streetlights, among other efforts; and

WHEREAS:  Clean energy production brings many benefits to Massachusetts, including improving health, reducing pollution, creating tens of thousands of clean energy jobs, and retaining more of our energy dollars in the local economy; and

WHEREAS:  Newton has been a leader in the fight against global warming, and has a responsibility to continue to set a positive example for other towns and cities to follow; and

WHEREAS:  Massachusetts can source 100% of its energy from clean, renewable sources by harnessing the region’s abundant solar and wind resources, and by taking advantage of innovations in energy efficiency, green transportation, energy storage, and other technologies; and

WHEREAS:  The transition to a zero carbon economy will promote employment opportunities and economic growth in our communities, facilitate local control and ownership over energy options and bring tangible benefits to low-income residents and others who have historically been disadvantaged by our energy system; and

WHEREAS: Distributed, local generation of renewable energy enhances community resilience against disruptions to vulnerable centralized energy systems caused by climate and national security threats; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council supports the goal of eliminating by 2050 all greenhouse gas emissions in Newton that originate from the heating, electricity, and Newton-based and Newton-serving transportation sectors, and from gas leaks. This effort will include households, businesses, the municipality, and the utilities. It will involve a combination of efficency measures, reducing demand, replacement of fossil fuels with renewable sources, and upgrading the infrastructure; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Council supports the interim goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below the 2018 levels by 2025. This can be achieved by reducing emissions from gas leaks by 50%, electricity by 65%, motor vehicles by 15% and heating by 10%; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Council supports the interim goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 55% below the 2018 levels by 2035. This can be achieved by reducing emissions from gas leaks by 100%, electricity by 100%, motor vehicles by 50% and heating by 25%; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Council supports the goal of having the municipality serve as a leader in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by moving ahead of the residential and commercial sectors as follows: reducing emissions by 35% by 2025 and 60% by 2035; and be it further

RESOLVED:  That the City Council urges the Newton Legislative Delegation in the State Legislature to do everything in its power to remove the obstacles that Newton and other cities face in pursuing their greenhouse gas emission targets, and to support and harmonize these efforts; to enable Massachusetts to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from all sources by 2050, and to ensure that the benefits of eliminating the emissions are realized by Massachusetts residents at all income levels; and be it further

RESOLVED:  That the means to achieve the above goals include but are not limited to municipal solar projects; energy efficiency upgrades; municipal aggregation; municipal fleet replacement; installing public electric vehicle charging stations; adopting a Net Zero Action Plan; constructing fully electric Net Zero schools and other municipal buildings; improving biking and walking infrastructure; providing incentives for private renewable energy use for electricity, transportation, and heating; promoting and participating in community solar projects; developing a “Solar Ready” Ordinance; streamlining and standardizing permitting and inspection for renewable energy systems and high performance buildings; planning future housing developments that reduce demand for heating, cooling, electricity and private automobile trips; and prioritizing and investing in public transportation; including setting specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely goals for all of the above; and be it further

RESOLVED: That in setting the above goals the voices and interests of low income, disadvantaged and/or vulnerable members of the Newton community are considered to ensure that the benefits of a transition to a renewable energy economy are shared by all and any costs or negative impacts do not fall disproportionately on any individuals or segment of the community, i.e. that the principles of climate justice are central to Newton’s energy strategies; and be it further

ORDERED:  That the Mayor, or his or her designee, shall create a plan with interim targets to demonstrate progress toward the above goals, and provide a report to the Council on an annual basis on progress toward achieving these goals, and

ORDERED:  That the Chair of the Newton City Council send this Resolution to elected officials, including Governor Charlie Baker, State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg, Attorney General Maura Healy, State Senator Michael J. Barrett, and State Representative William Smitty Pignatelli, Senator Harriet Chandler, Senate President; Representative Robert A. DeLeo, Speaker of the House; and all Newton legislators: Senator Cynthia S. Creem, Representatives Ruth B. Balser, Kay Khan, John J. Lawn, Jr.; and Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward Markey, and Representative Joseph P. Kennedy, and to take any other action relative thereto.